Friday, June 6, 2008

Some useful tips

Talk about skin if you are fair and the thing is your arms face neck and lower legs which are the most exposed parts of the body are darker than the other parts. Example the lower leg is somewhat obviously darker than your feet. What should you do use to make the skin color even. Well in this case if you have a budget on whitening creams you try to put on it, but first you should use it before scrubbing the affected area, you know it is much effective if the darker area is the main focus of the scrub rather than the area which is in the right tone.

Chose a product that you know it can get along with your kind of skin. Do not buy because you just see it on TV commercials you have to know if your skin is normal dry or oily before you apply anything on your body. And whenever you go out don’t forget to put sun block or just use a long sleeves and pants if you cannot avoid going out side. To much cheaper solution you can use calamnsi and milk mixed them together and after taking a bath you put it on the affected area leave it for 5 minutes and then rinse do it everyday whenever you take a bath and put lotion.

What if you feel not comfortable with your large forehead and your friend always told you that they were distracted them a lot. The solution to that is to look for a good hairstylist and ask them how to make this thing not too expose and let my face the center not the forehead. Or if you have no time to go to salon try to experiment your style like put some bangs and and accessories like hair band or clips and put some color on your face for them to be the highlight of you head not the forehead and if its still not do well. I think you have to look for another batch of friend that will take you as you are and never put you down because of your big forehead.

What is the best thing to do if you have great smooth skin but you feel you have bumps on the underarm like chicken skin? Actually we get these tiny little bumps maybe we wax or shave the hair on the underarm. Those tiny little bumps are the new hair that is going to break out. This solution is too expensive if you have money you can remove this permanently using lesser removal technique which we know it is now available on the dermatology clinic but because this is expensive we try the more cheaper one you buy products from the health and beauty store that can instantly remove the hair and it will break out not easily maybe 2-3 weeks before another hair comes to break out.

These are some tips that easily to do and the cheapest way to make this problem solve for a while.